Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Using 'CONCATENATE' function in Excel

The CONCATENATE in Excel function is used to join two or more cells values, text strings or words. One can CONCATENATE upto 255 items although that hardly may ever be the case. Following is the syntax of the function:

CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...
This means that the first argument is 'Required' and the rest (upto 255) are 'Optional'. Lets say you have the following data on the sheet. 

As you can see it contains the Name and Address details of people. Now if you wish to get a 'Mailing Name' and 'Mailing Address' from the data, you can use CONCATENATE function as below

As you can see that the value of cell C2, space, value of cell D2, space and value of cell E2 are joined to form the 'Mailing Name'. As you can see that the CONCATENATE function doesn't include automatically leave a blank space between arguments. On the same lines 'Mailing Address' can also be formed as below


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